**The Best Politics is Honesty**

I support English as our first Language in Oklahoma.
Freedom makes us able to do a thing right.
Win or loose,Citizens have the rights to know their candidates and be confident their votes
COUNT!!! We have to respect their decisions.

Dear fellow Republican:
We have to support our party! Stand for our citizen’s freedom, voter’s rights, and respect and honor President Lincoln’s: Civil Reform and Human Rights for our country. President Reagan’s message: “the ugliest thing anyone could do is show Prejudice.” President Bush’s message: “I don’t care where they were born, but I care who they are!”

Our Citizens and grassroots movement feel they are loosing their freedom. People ask me, “Fran, How can you get a vote when your name was not on the Ballot?” How we know you when we did not receive any information and did not hear anything about you in the news or of a debate. People I have known for 30 years were very upset, and said! They did it again!! “They urged me to expose the lies, cheating, and corruption in our Tulsa County Republican Party. Other wise they will continue the same thing over and over. What is the difference between socialism and a free country?!

** That is why I am sharing with you, the facts for now; VS legal action
In 2004, I ran for the State Senate District #25, Citizens / Voters did not see my name on the ballot! I was unaware of this, because I saw my name in my registering precinct. I voted for myself, I did not know that was the only place my name appeared in the precinct at District #25. untill April 2008.

A Republican citizen notified me by email when he was checking the Republican candidates at okgop.com/campaigns.asp (I have an email as proof). Found someone had maliciously corrupted my website. He said, “It does not make you look good.” But upon receiving your mailer today you have good Republican Credentials, Good Luck! My yard signs were constantly removed. Also they endorsed my opponent “who won” before the primary. There were lies about my religion to discourage, mislead citizens not to come to my first Presidential party at the Tulsa Historical Center. They tried to destroy it. They succeeded but not completely; thanks to Ken Mehlman, my son and his friend. They never responded to my complaints from Lt. Governor down! I received emails and calls from citizens who encouraged me and appreciated learning of my experiences. The good ideas I brought to our community. I received congratulations from the NFRW District Directors was forwarded by Jennings Long the president of OFRW at the time.
No thanks to whoever was in charge for Republican Tulsa County Chair, and my opponent, “FOR MY OVER 100 VOTES!” I have told that I have to leave Tulsa Oklahoma or join with Democrats!! They also mentioned that I have to be very careful about my younger son who was very successful in Dallas!! Where is the Christian value? What is the meaning of a Conservative? And who are the Republicans?

In 2006, I ran for U.S. Congress First District. Citizens did not receive my campaign literature and phone messages, “except for a few of them.” They had used my campaign’s person, “Susan ” and got help from Ethics Commission to send my 10,000 campaign materials to over two millions names and addresses in the whole state. “I found that in small court on Sept. 2007.” I tried to take her to trial, she begged me “Please don’t because it will be very ugly!” They sent a flyer on my behalf that made citizens who know me surprised! The State Election Board removed all the telephone numbers from in front of the voter’s names in my Disk/ CD mailer. I paid for the over 11,000.00 telephone numbers, and Steve did not send my phone messages to the voters! They also vanished almost all the newspapers written about me. Our Republican newspaper in Tulsa didn’t print my press release and misspelled my name badly. KFAQ did not respond to my ad and refused the interview with me but interviewed my OPPONENT constantly and accused me of not being qualified! They also canceled my press release and our debates as well.
No thanks to whoever was in charge for Republican Tulsa County Chair, and my opponent
“FOR MY OVER 1,800 VOTES!” My political website was hi jacked.
NOW I receive an email that I should not campaign again because I would not get enough votes!!!!! What happened to our FREE country?

The good news is they can not take away my faith, honesty, prosperity as a Christian, nor my education and international experience, knowledge and languages. They can not buy those values with money!
I will fight for our freedom even though it may cost me more than it already has. It has hurt my business and my credit. I may lose my house, but you are worth it.

Please visit my blog at http://www.franmoghaddam.blogspot.com/ to get to know me!! Contact me at fran.mog@gmail.com to support me for the sake of our Rights and Our Party. You are the power!!! Please vote for me!!!


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