Fran Moghaddam's Immediate Release 2010

Fran Moghaddam Former Candidate for U.S. Congress;

Enters for 2010 Race for Oklahoma First Congressional
Freedom makes us to do the right things
The parties are not what makes good candidates.
The Candidates make the party good along with the people.
I mean what I say now and I meant what I said in 2006 and 2008
Remember its Congress that makes the Laws not the President
" I do not define myselfe by how many disappointements I've faced.
I difine myself by forgiveness and faith.
I do not define myself by how many times I have been knocked down.
I define myself by how many times I have struggled to my feet.
I am not my pain. I am not my past. I am that which has emerged from the fire."
We are the people, a Nation under one God
We are the leader of the world, not the follower!
Then it's time to Flip this house!
Flip this house 2010 is a campaign to re- instill real values in our natinal Politics. This isn't about Democrats. Republicans or Independents. it's about grassroots, tea-party, freedom- loving Americans uniting behind a common goal of turning the current statist political machine on its head
Our value is simple: Liberty and limited government. We propose a clear state of positions that directly chalang Big Governmet Statism. And we will stand with anyone and everyone who will stand with us in the great struggle against the Ascendency of the State. We want to rally hunderds of thousanda of citizens who are fed up with the statist Government and are ready to take blod politlical actions to filp this house beginling in 2010.
Here's How To Get Flipping...
It all starts with Citzens like you. You are the power. To take a stand you can start by suppporting my campaign for the 2010 Oklahoma First Congrssional Representative. Please visit my website or since my political web have been Hi Jacked.

Last Fourth of July Fran celebrated and honored World War II Heroic Veterans who gave us what we have now. She believes no one would take freedom for granted if they had experienced what she and all the victims of September 11th have experienced.

As of October 15, 2009, Fran’s Candidacy has been officially announced. At the Hilton Tulsa Southern Hills, by The Oklahama Republican Partay and State Chairman, Gary Jones with the Special Guest Spseaker former Congressman J.C. Watts.

Fran’s desire is that all Christian Conservatives "Cherches" support Voter’s Rights. She also wants all Citizens in the first District to receive their candidate’s campaign materials, and phone messages. She wants all of the candidate’s names to appear on the ballets. She asks for State and Tulsa County GOP & Media fairness in this term for the sake of our Citizens’ Rights, and our young and new generation.

She is a Strong Republican Grassroots, Conservative Christian, as well as a supporter of Pro life (opposing abortion) and pro marriage, between one man and one woman. She prides herself on her family values, honesty, integrity, royalty and faith, always putting her children first and now her two grandsons. Her elder son was attending Kim Bolton School in Cambridge England, when he decided to continue his higher education in the U.S. Fran with her husband‘s support, transferred her younger son from American school in Teheran Iran to Cassia Hall school in Tulsa. Fran and her sons later went on to graduated from the University of Tulsa.

Fran grew up in a privileged family when Iran was the best friend of America and President Reagan. She was honored with the privilege of political asylum by the United States Government in 1985 and attained U.S. Citizenship in 1993. She earned a B.S. degree in Management Science at the University of Tulsa in 1983 and AA Business Administration at the Rogers State College in 1980. She has been a business owner in the insurance field since 1987. Fran has an extensive background in the widely debated insurance market as well as having firsthand knowledge of the real concerns facing citizens today, especially our senior citizens, Veterans, and Indian Americans.

Moghaddam has been an active volunteer in campaigns for numerous Republican candidates, both federals and Governor. She has also successfully collaborated with conservative Democratic government officials regarding National Health in 1994. other wise we had a Noational health care since!! She is a member of the Republican National Committee, R. Senatorial Committee, and a nominated life member in the Republican National Committee and honors the no fewer than 27,000 Republican men and women who were compliant in 2006. She resently honered to recieved the RNC Gold Card as a most dedicated members from the RNC Chairman Mr. Micheal Steele. As a strong supporter of GOP since 2004 she has received several high and highest honor Certificates of MERIT, and Appreciation for her dedication, sacrifice and commitment from President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and RNC Chairmen.

She is a member of local Republican clubs, a Grass Roots Leader, member of the Rotary Club, Eagle Forum, American Value, Christian Untied forIsraele and Gun..OK 2A., as well as being involved with the World War II Veterans’ Club. Moghaddam has served on the Tulsa Mayor’s Task Force regarding issues pertaining to parenting, public safety and environmental concerns. Certainly with 9-11 in America’s history, public safety issues are at the forefront of future planning. She is # 118 Preinct Caucus Chairwoman.

I am honest and dedicated to our citizens and our country. Through my toughest experience as a minority candidate in 2004, 2006, and 2008, I supported our party’s principles civil reform, human rights, and our constitution and pursued basic Republican values. I believe that God allows us to experience problems for the purpose of building our character and moral fiber (Romans 5:3-4).

Fran has acquired working knowledge of International Languages, Europeans’ national health care plan and life styles, inflation, government control, Middle East religions, customs, economics and politics.

People who have known Fran for over 31 years know her passion for the children and understand her deep desire to serve and help others and one who is knowledgeable on health care and other issues. They recognize also that as a woman and an immigrant from a non western country, she will bring an element of diversity that is lacking in our party. Our leaders, and our presidents, frequently emphasized the need for us to reach out to voters beyond the white male and native born mainstream.

I am eternally grateful to my almighty God and the United States for my many blessings. I want to give back to my God chosen home, the United States of America, by serving on the U.S. House of Representatives. My mission is to bring compassion, compromise, cooperation and care with respect and discipline to resolve all our domestic issues.
Without Security, Nothing Else Matter, I relish every single freedom because I have Experienced what happens when feedom is taken away!!

The issues of greates concern to me, because they affect many of our Citizens' lives, are as gollows;

**Homeland and National Security

**Health care reform - I am an advocate for providing the best nationwide health care system to the public with a high emphasis on senior citizens, Veterans, and Indian American, and to reduce the cost of medicine. health care reform is tide to our freedom and economic.

** Taxing People: Fran operates under the principle my nick name is fair and my Middle name is discipline to encourage the government to use fiscal discipline to stop overspending, corruption, special interests, create a fair tax system, grow the economy, and provide more business and jobs.

** Marriage, family, parenting, education and school are all related. We must enhance parenting skills to prevent children from facing current problems. By challenging and improving education standards we can provide our children with greater future opportunities, and meet the teacher’s needs.

**Energy - We need to reduce our dependency upon foreign oil. Since we receive 60% of our oil from other countries, we must continue our search for new energy resources within the United States, DRILLING now and use our naturale sorcesess, development of new technology in this area if needed.

**Illegal Immigrant - The damage has been done for over 3o years. We need to secure our borders and under ground tunnels with our neighbors cooperation.

**Strong immigration Law – As far as the illegal immigrants that are already here, we need to identify them! Remember it is congress that makes the Law, not the President. One person can make a big different.

**Support our farmers to provide healthy (organic) products for a healthier population.


- I won't make false promises to you regarding our government.
- I don't show preferences to friends or to Special Interests.
- I will respond to your request, opinions, and complaints.
- I will never leave my audience, whom I invited to hear me, without answering their questions!
- I will always tell you the truth even though sometimes it is not pleasant.
- I will never disrespect our President, or put our country down.
- I never cheat, corrupt, or tell you what you want to hear just to please you.
- I never let anyone dictate to me what my issues are!
- I believe this seat is NOT a career seat and it belongs to YOU. “term limit”
- I never hide. I will always be ready to debate the issues we are facing.
- I will honor my staff and respect their support for never resigning.
- I do not allow my staff or my supporters to disrespect, or harm my opponents.
- I am not after the TITLE OR MONEY.
- I feel that this is my mission for this great nation.
- I will arrange a meeting at least bi-monthly to visit with YOU, answer YOUR questions, and educate and inform you about the issues.

Ann Archer / Fran Moghaddam
Fran for Freedom

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